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Council Parks & Gardens

Soil amendments such as amorphous silica (Mineral Magic) can enhance soil structure and fertility, leading to healthier and more productive landscapes. Healthy soil requires less ongoing maintenance, reducing costs associated with replanting, pest control, and soil remediation. Healthy soil is essential for growing plants, trees, and grass in public parks, gardens, and recreational areas.
Soil amendments like Mineral Magic can contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for chemical inputs, conserving water, and minimizing soil degradation. Councils often manage public spaces for aesthetic purposes. Healthy, well-nourished plants and lawns create more appealing and visually pleasing landscapes.

Key Benefits Mineral Magic for Council Parks & Gardens

Improved Soil Structure

Amorphous silica can enhance soil structure by increasing its porosity and reducing compaction.
This allows for better water infiltration, root penetration, and aeration, leading to healthier plants.

Nutrient Retention

Amorphous Silica can adsorb and release nutrients, making them more available to plants over time.
This can help improve nutrient retention in the soil, reducing the need for frequent fertilization.

Drought Resistance

Amorphous Silica can help plants become more drought-resistant by improving their ability to retain water. This is particularly important in parks and gardens where irrigation may not always be readily available.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Some studies suggest that amorphous silica can strengthen plant cell walls, making them more resistant to diseases and pests. This can reduce the need for chemical treatments in maintaining the park and garden’s health.

Enhanced Root Growth

Amorphous silica can promote root development, leading to stronger and healthier plants.
This is especially beneficial for establishing and maintaining mature trees and shrubs in public spaces.

Environmental Benefits

Using amorphous silica in soil improvement aligns with sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
It can reduce the runoff of nutrients and chemicals into local waterways, promoting ecosystem health.

Long-Term Cost Savings

While there may be an initial investment in incorporating amorphous silica into park and garden soils, the long-term benefits, such as reduced water usage, lower maintenance costs, and healthier plants, can lead to cost savings over time.

Sustainable Concrete

If the council is involved in infrastructure projects, the use of amorphous silica as a pozzolan for strengthening concrete and making environmentally friendly cement can contribute to sustainable construction practices.

Reduced Erosion

Silica can help stabilize soil particles, reducing erosion in areas with high foot traffic or water flow.

Mineral Magic Lawn Conditioner

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