Eco Road Hero

Dust/Blokr® is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and noncorrosive, while providing enhanced engineering properties for road surfaces. Dust/Blokr® is engineered to solve a specific dust control challenge.

Applying Dust/Blokr® to unpaved roads will lower maintenance costs and provide overall operational cost savings. Dust/Blokr® is effective on any type of unpaved surfaces requiring dust or erosion control—not only roads but also stockpiles, tailings piles and slopes.
Dust/Blokr® is mixed with water and applied topically to the road or soil, or lightly mixed into the top few inches for longer lasting results and increased road stability. Once the film dries on the road, it provides lasting dust control by binding all the soil materials together.

Why Use Dust/Blokr®?

Traditional dust control products have a range of side effects that have a negative impact on the environment, such as the use of chloride-based road salts, which are highly corrosive, cause rust on vehicles and machinery and can be harmful to roadside vegetation.

Dust/Blokr® is made with environmentally friendly inputs that have no adverse effect on the environment. Our solution has been designed to withstand heavy traffic, such as on mining haul roads, while also being cost-effective for suppressing dust on secondary roads for counties and municipalities with limited road maintenance budgets.

Dust/Blokr® is applied using standard equipment and techniques, making them easy for customers to use worldwide, whether applied to a community road, a haul road in a dust-control project or a tailings pile at a mining operation.

How it Works:

To apply Dust/Blokr® topically, add water to a water truck and then add Dust/Blokr®. Applications and dilution rates are based on average or typical situations. However, due to varying conditions, you may need to alter application rates and procedures, based on variables in your own road environment.
For topical road applications, traffic should remain off the road for a short period of time after application to allow the product to penetrate the surface. Drying time will vary, based on local soil and weather conditions. If possible, apply product to only one lane at a time so traffic does not need to be stopped or rerouted.
Make sure to consult with your local Cypher representative before attempting your first Dust/Blokr® application. You’ll receive information on optimal application rates and procedures to ensure a successful result.

Benefits of Dust/Blokr®

Environmentally friendly alternative for dust control on heavy- or light-traffic roads

Reduced road maintenance, minimized losses from fines and less need for re-sheeting

Natural filtration, removing impurities from soil and water

Saves on vast amounts of water in mining and other industries that use water only as a dust suppressant on roads

Easy to apply, non-corrosive and won’t damage water trucks, graders or other road maintenance equipment

Long lasting, high-tensile strength of cured film allows for durability even with higher volumes and weights of traffic

Increased CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of the treated road results in a more stable running surface

Reduces rolling resistance on mine haul roads, allowing for improved fuel efficiency for operating haul trucks

Suitable for haul roads, secondary roads, stock piles, tailings piles, rail cars and other erosion control applications