Eco Road Hero

Road//Stabilizr® is a long-term solution for stabilizing roads that require continual maintenance due to wet weather and marginal road materials. Road//Stabilizr® targets soils with high clay content by increasing density and providing enhanced stability. Additional benefits include reduced swell and permeability, and increased CBR (California Bearing Ratio) values.
Road//Stabilizr®-treated roads perform much better in wet conditions and require much less long-term maintenance. Because Road//Stabilizr® can be used with marginal road materials such as clay, which are less expensive than typical road-base aggregates, roads built with Road//Stabilizr® can be built at significantly less cost than typical road stabilization or re-sheeting projects.

Why Use Road//Stabilizr®?

Using Road//Stabilizr® will allow for the use of marginal soil materials, thereby reducing the standard reliance on expensive aggregates and gravels. Once applied correctly, Road//Stabilizr® will result in a road base with lower permeability due to increased density, which in turn results in a harder, more durable road in both dry and wet weather.
Road//Stabilizr® is bio-degradable and derives its efficacy on the clay-based fraction of the soil. After application, the clay particles in the soil are no longer attracted to water, allowing for any water in the soil to drain away freely. This results in the clay and soil particles settling closer together and producing lasting stabilization. Unlike typical road stabilization products, Road//Stabilizr® uses the clay in the soil as a binder, not the product itself. Other soil stabilization products glue the soil together, but once that glue is gone, so are the results.
Since Road//Stabilizr® uses the clay in the soil as a binder, it provides lasting soil stabilization.
Road//Stabilizr® is produced in a highly-concentrated liquid form and is applied using standard equipment and techniques. Once applied, Road//Stabilizr® will reduce the tendency for a road to exhibit a number of common maintenance problems such as wash-boarding, rutting, heaving, potholing and dust.
Road//Stabilizr® is super concentrated, so the product cost is negligible—per kilometre or mile of road treated—compared to alternative products or to standard maintenance costs of unstabilized roads.
Road//Stabilizr® is used primarily to stabilize the base or running surface of an unsealed road but can also be used to stabilize soil under pavement of any kind and to stabilize sub-grades.

Soil Analysis

A soil analysis must be carried out prior to application to ensure the material will be well suited for soil stabilization using Road//Stabilizr®. Soil analysis results may be sent to us for our recommendations and feedback. Performing a soil analysis before you apply any soil stabilization product will reduce your operational road management costs.

How to Apply Road//Stabilizr®

Even distribution of Road//Stabilizr® over the area to be treated is essential for proper soil stabilization and consistency. The pavement on your existing roadbed first needs to be ripped to the desired depth of treatment. Road//Stabilizr® soil stabilizer should then be applied into the soil as soon as possible, pre-diluted with water, with enough water to bring the soil to OMC (Optimum Moisture Content).
Road//Stabilizr® is applied with a standard water truck. If you would normally need an estimated four passes of the water truck to bring material up to OMC, mix the product in with the first two passes for the day. From then on, water is only required during the mixing process.
The mixing process may be as simple as blade mixing with a grader or other simple machinery. For best results, we recommend using a road reclaimer, but in most cases customers will use a grader because it costs less and is easier to find.
We recommend filling the truck with water before adding Road//Stabilizr® soil stabilizer. This will prevent frothing that results from the surfactant component of the mix. Once your road-bed material is brought to OMC and the product is consistently mixed, the material is ready for compaction. Make sure to pay attention to standard road engineering practices, including attention to shaping and drainage.
Please consult with your local Cypher representative before attempting your first Road//Stabilizr® application to ensure the product will meet your specific dust control requirements.
Road//Stabilizr® is used primarily to stabilize the base or running surface of an unsealed road but can also be used to stabilize soil under pavement of any kind and to stabilize sub-grades.

Required Equipment

Optional Equipment

Benefits of Dust/Blokr®

Environmentally friendly alternative for dust control on heavy- or light-traffic roads

Reduced road maintenance, minimized losses from fines and less need for re-sheeting

Natural filtration, removing impurities from soil and water

Saves on vast amounts of water in mining and other industries that use water only as a dust suppressant on roads

Easy to apply, non-corrosive and won’t damage water trucks, graders or other road maintenance equipment

Long lasting, high-tensile strength of cured film allows for durability even with higher volumes and weights of traffic

Increased CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of the treated road results in a more stable running surface

Reduces rolling resistance on mine haul roads, allowing for improved fuel efficiency for operating haul trucks

Suitable for haul roads, secondary roads, stock piles, tailings piles, rail cars and other erosion control applications